This is an #"Ome" Sampling, writen by : Yustria.
#PLU ("Pangaos Luar Usaha" as Price Look Up) #DMR_2
#SULM_1_1' ;
“Prolog Ayah Abang (1)” (attached from ) as primarly source_1.
#SULM_1_2' ;
“<…> Draft : An A List is ; dekonstruksi dan prince civil
Kondisi : meminjam sebutan tanpa nama fiktif
Ilustrasi : pada track 3 : Sale Out Our Pro duck
Bagi ayah hal semacam itu adalah suatu dominasi dengan efek domino, di mana jika ada rumah tetangga yang punya utang terhadap salah satunya angkanya akan tidak tetap karena pengaruh kurs valas yang turun naik, sementara pengendalian berada pada teori-teori yang beliau-beliau namakan hokum pasar. Begitulah, beliau-beliau yang punya teori, beliau-beliau mengajak para tetangga mempraktekkan teori-teori mereka, sedangkan yang diuntungkan tentu saja beliau-beliau sendiri yang punya hak mencetak mata uang wajib. Padahal demokrasi seharusnya tidak begitu, hal seperti itu membuat rumah-rumah tangga bagaikan kerbau dicocok hidung, terserah pada bapak dan papa. Inilah yang membuat anak-anak bapak dan papa lebih sejahtera daripada anak-anak di blok kita. Lihat saja penampakkan kemegahan-kemegahan itu pada film-film buatan papa dan bapak, “wah hebat”, begitu kesannya. Tidak tahu mereka itu bahwa hal tersebut semua dibangun atas dasar manipulasi yang menyalahi hukum demokrasi bapak dan papa itu sendiri <…>”[1]
Kondisi : meminjam sebutan tanpa nama fiktif
Ilustrasi : pada track 3 : Sale Out Our Pro duck
Bagi ayah hal semacam itu adalah suatu dominasi dengan efek domino, di mana jika ada rumah tetangga yang punya utang terhadap salah satunya angkanya akan tidak tetap karena pengaruh kurs valas yang turun naik, sementara pengendalian berada pada teori-teori yang beliau-beliau namakan hokum pasar. Begitulah, beliau-beliau yang punya teori, beliau-beliau mengajak para tetangga mempraktekkan teori-teori mereka, sedangkan yang diuntungkan tentu saja beliau-beliau sendiri yang punya hak mencetak mata uang wajib. Padahal demokrasi seharusnya tidak begitu, hal seperti itu membuat rumah-rumah tangga bagaikan kerbau dicocok hidung, terserah pada bapak dan papa. Inilah yang membuat anak-anak bapak dan papa lebih sejahtera daripada anak-anak di blok kita. Lihat saja penampakkan kemegahan-kemegahan itu pada film-film buatan papa dan bapak, “wah hebat”, begitu kesannya. Tidak tahu mereka itu bahwa hal tersebut semua dibangun atas dasar manipulasi yang menyalahi hukum demokrasi bapak dan papa itu sendiri <…>”[1]
_ _ _ #
Eta "doing" hartosna nuju, atanapi processing / in during process. Teu nganggo "will" (seja_bade (mi) <---> erek (mid, mas)) samemeh "doing. "contiunues tense" atanapi kumaha konteksna ieu rupaning "fi'il"<...>?.
#SULM_1_3' ;
Ibid @-3 : attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi/ app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing process.
“Pasti kau akan bertanya, jadi bagaimana seharusnya ayah?. Aku tidak akan mengatakan harus begini harus begitu, tapi aku akan melakukan penjajakan. Agar lebih mudah sekarang kumpulkan teman-temanmu, kita praktekkan bagaimana demokrasi itu di sini, di rumah ini. “Baik ayah”, ujar abang. Dia pun bergegas keluar rumah, mengetuk pintu-pintu rumah para tetangga untuk mengajak anak-anak mereka berkumpul di rumahku. Ternyata anakku begitu semangat, pukul 14.00 rumahku dimasuki oleh banyak anak-anak, bukan hanya blok rumahku saja yang diundang, melainkan anak-anak seluruh rumah yang ada di perumahan ini diundangnya, tak ketinggalan anak bapak dan anak papa.
Maka seminar demokrasi pun ku gelar. Selamat dating kawan-kawan anakku di rumah yang sangat sederhana ini, di kerajaan ini. Aku raja di sini dan kalian kuundang untuk berlatih mempraktekkan apa itu demokrasi aplikasi pada mata uang, ujarku sambil berdiri. Ini demokrasi bukan ala papa atau bapak, tapi demokrasi universal (you and I version all).[2]
Maka seminar demokrasi pun ku gelar. Selamat dating kawan-kawan anakku di rumah yang sangat sederhana ini, di kerajaan ini. Aku raja di sini dan kalian kuundang untuk berlatih mempraktekkan apa itu demokrasi aplikasi pada mata uang, ujarku sambil berdiri. Ini demokrasi bukan ala papa atau bapak, tapi demokrasi universal (you and I version all).[2]
"#_ _ _ _
Oke, 'wi wiil doing as soon es possible"
may be this ones #;
Op.Cit @-ibid._@-2 : attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi/ app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing process of #revolution.
#SULM_1_5' ;
Ibid @-2' : attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi/ app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing processing from secondary_source produce_material of this history picture's source :
'haw eubout yu?".
_ _ _#
Abot memang, "namun' cobi upami ngetik ti cara emutan Sunda ka aksara laten ku Basa Inggris, ieu langkung about moal upami teu aya pakarangna?.
Sumber : dokumentasi pibados
perhatoskeun nu digarishandapan warna beureum, kalih nu bulao. Ieu nu masihan pitunjuk seja bade kumaha mang_aos_anna janten "price"?.
:\\ Rencana dialog #Abang (Zihni dan jawaban dengan #Masalah_Ayah (heart to heart).
Sebagai custom, masalah yang sering dihadapi dalam aktivitas berlinguistik, terbiasa "English" ke "bukan pengguna English sebagai bahasa utama" ; lafal pengucapan menjadi minoritas, English tertulis menjadi dominan.
Apakah hal ini jadi masalah?.
Ya, itu penghambat kemajuan.
Dalam bidang apa?.
Banyak bidang penting #Essai_2 untuk "employee" mungkin lebih sulit meningkatkan atau meraih pasar yang lebih baik, sehubungan dipersyaratkan untuk "English" dalam lingkungan yang mengglobal termaksud. Untuk "enterpreneur", tuntutan mereka terhadap para karyawan untuk "English" tersebut 'english' adalah bukan keinginan diri mereka sendiri, melainkan pangsar pasar yang mengkondisikan begitu terhadap perusahaan yang hendak menembus pasar global.
Jika kondisi demikian, tuntutan perusahaan memang saling ketergantungan dengan aturan tidak bertulis di (...)
Jawab : "kancah pasar bebas".
#SULM_1_4' ;
[1] Attached as #directly internet source’s link from
[2] Ibidem
:| English: (Google Translate).
:| English: (Google Translate).
:| English: (Google Translate).
. W330/H296 | | .
:| English: (Google Translate).
. W330/H296 | | .
Migration (Stand_Essai): PGHB_C2`
This is an # "Ome" Sampling, writen by: Yustria.
#PLU ("Pangaos Overseas" as Price Look Up) # DMR_2
# SULM_1_1 ';
"Daddy's Prologue (1)" (attached from as primarly source_1.
# SULM_1_2 ';
"<...> Draft: An A List is; deconstruction and civil prince
Condition: borrow a name without a fictitious name
Illustration: on track 3: Sale Out Our Pro duck
For fathers such a thing is a dominance with a domino effect, where if there is a neighboring house that has a debt to one of them the number will not be fixed because of the effect of a fluctuating foreign exchange rate, while the control is in the theories he-he calls the market law . That is, he-he who has a theory, he-he invited the neighbors to practice their theories, while those who benefited of course he-he himself has the right to print compulsory currencies. Even though democracy should not be like that, things like that make the houses like buffalo matched by the nose, it's up to the father and father. This is what makes the father and father's children more prosperous than the children in our block. Just look at the appearance of the splendors in the films made by daddy and daddy, "wow great", he said. They do not know that this is all built on the basis of manipulation that violates the law of democracy, father and father itself <...> "[1] brother-1/408689886501 /
_ _ _ #
Eta is "doing" the destination, but processing / in during process. He calls "will" (seja_bade (mi) <---> erek (mid, mas)) samemeh "doing." Contiunues tense "atanapi kumaha contextna ie rupaning" fi'il "<...> ?.--->
# SULM_1_3 ';
Ibid @ -3: attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi / app.microsoft_paint as " pakarang "in editing process.
"Surely you will ask, so how should you? I won't say that this should be the case, but I will do an assessment. To make it easier now to gather your friends, we practice how democracy is here in this house. "Good daddy," said brother. He rushed out of the house, knocked on the doors of the neighbors' houses to invite their children to gather at my house. It turned out that my child was so excited, at 2:00 my house was entered by many children, not only was my house block invited, but he invited all the children in the housing, not to miss the father and father's children.
So I also hold a democratic seminar. Welcome to my friends in this very simple house, in this kingdom. I am the king here and I invite you to practice practicing what application democracy is for currencies, I said as I stood up. This democracy is not like father or father, but universal democracy (you and I version all). [2]
"#_ _ _ _
Okay, 'wi wiil doing as soon ice possible'
may be this ones #;
Op.Cit @ -ibid ._ @ - 2: attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi / app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing process of #revolution.
# SULM_1_5 ';
Ibid @ -2 ': attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi / app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing processing from secondary_source produce_material of this history picture's source:
"haw eubout yu?"
_ _ _ #
# SULM_1_6
Abot indeed, "but 'hobbies have typed the way of the Sundanese emotion, the latent character of the English Base, which is the name about moal upami teya pakarangna ?.
Source: pibados documentation
perhatoskeun nu is colored beureum, kalih nu bulao. Is there still a pointer as soon as it bade kumaha mang_aos_anna janten "price" ?.
#_ _ _ _
: \\ #Abang dialogue plan (Zihni and answer with #Medur_Ayah (heart to heart).
As a custom, problems that are often encountered in scientific activities, are used to "English" to "not English users as the main language"; pronunciation pronunciation becomes a minority, written English becomes dominant.
Is this a problem?
Yes, that is an obstacle to progress.
In what field?.
Many important fields # Essai_2 for "employee" may be more difficult to improve or achieve a better market, as required for "English" in the intended global environment. For "entrepreneurs", their demand for "English" employees is "English" is not their own desire, but the market share that conditions so for companies that want to penetrate the global market.
If this is the case, the demands of the company are indeed interdependent with rules not written in (...)
Answer: "free market arena".
# SULM_1_4 ';
[1] Attached as #directly internet source's link from
[2] Ibidem
Migration (Stand_Essai): PGHB_C2`
This is an # "Ome" Sampling, writen by: Yustria.
#PLU ("Pangaos Overseas" as Price Look Up) # DMR_2
# SULM_1_1 ';
"Daddy's Prologue (1)" (attached from as primarly source_1.
# SULM_1_2 ';
"<...> Draft: An A List is; deconstruction and civil prince
Condition: borrow a name without a fictitious name
Illustration: on track 3: Sale Out Our Pro duck
For fathers such a thing is a dominance with a domino effect, where if there is a neighboring house that has a debt to one of them the number will not be fixed because of the effect of a fluctuating foreign exchange rate, while the control is in the theories he-he calls the market law . That is, he-he who has a theory, he-he invited the neighbors to practice their theories, while those who benefited of course he-he himself has the right to print compulsory currencies. Even though democracy should not be like that, things like that make the houses like buffalo matched by the nose, it's up to the father and father. This is what makes the father and father's children more prosperous than the children in our block. Just look at the appearance of the splendors in the films made by daddy and daddy, "wow great", he said. They do not know that this is all built on the basis of manipulation that violates the law of democracy, father and father itself <...> "[1] brother-1/408689886501 /
_ _ _ #
Eta is "doing" the destination, but processing / in during process. He calls "will" (seja_bade (mi) <---> erek (mid, mas)) samemeh "doing." Contiunues tense "atanapi kumaha contextna ie rupaning" fi'il "<...> ?.--->
# SULM_1_3 ';
Ibid @ -3: attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi / app.microsoft_paint as " pakarang "in editing process.
"Surely you will ask, so how should you? I won't say that this should be the case, but I will do an assessment. To make it easier now to gather your friends, we practice how democracy is here in this house. "Good daddy," said brother. He rushed out of the house, knocked on the doors of the neighbors' houses to invite their children to gather at my house. It turned out that my child was so excited, at 2:00 my house was entered by many children, not only was my house block invited, but he invited all the children in the housing, not to miss the father and father's children.
So I also hold a democratic seminar. Welcome to my friends in this very simple house, in this kingdom. I am the king here and I invite you to practice practicing what application democracy is for currencies, I said as I stood up. This democracy is not like father or father, but universal democracy (you and I version all). [2]
"#_ _ _ _
Okay, 'wi wiil doing as soon ice possible'
may be this ones #;
Op.Cit @ -ibid ._ @ - 2: attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi / app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing process of #revolution.
# SULM_1_5 ';
Ibid @ -2 ': attached from / <...> as primarly_source raw_material_1 of this picture wi / app.microsoft_paint as "pakarang" in editing processing from secondary_source produce_material of this history picture's source:
"haw eubout yu?"
_ _ _ #
# SULM_1_6
Abot indeed, "but 'hobbies have typed the way of the Sundanese emotion, the latent character of the English Base, which is the name about moal upami teya pakarangna ?.
Source: pibados documentation
perhatoskeun nu is colored beureum, kalih nu bulao. Is there still a pointer as soon as it bade kumaha mang_aos_anna janten "price" ?.
#_ _ _ _
: \\ #Abang dialogue plan (Zihni and answer with #Medur_Ayah (heart to heart).
As a custom, problems that are often encountered in scientific activities, are used to "English" to "not English users as the main language"; pronunciation pronunciation becomes a minority, written English becomes dominant.
Is this a problem?
Yes, that is an obstacle to progress.
In what field?.
Many important fields # Essai_2 for "employee" may be more difficult to improve or achieve a better market, as required for "English" in the intended global environment. For "entrepreneurs", their demand for "English" employees is "English" is not their own desire, but the market share that conditions so for companies that want to penetrate the global market.
If this is the case, the demands of the company are indeed interdependent with rules not written in (...)
Answer: "free market arena".
# SULM_1_4 ';
[1] Attached as #directly internet source's link from
[2] Ibidem
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